Saturday, 18 August 2012

A Case of Squishy Balls

For my kindergarten class I brought in 20 small packets of water crystals. Each ball was the size of half a matchhead and looked like hard plastic. I added 10 litres of water and within 12 hours, they had turned into these colourful, squishy balls, the size of marbles. They were impossible to keep your hands off. They felt, wonderful. Even my most resistant student to sensory experiences, couldn't resist. Very therapeutic!


  1. Wow, that does look like fun to play with.....
    A beautiful array of colours, I doubt anyone could keep their hands off them.

    CLaire :}

  2. How ever did you stop the kids from eating them.

  3. My son gave me a packet and I have a plant growing in them. You have to be very careful to have a jar big enough for them or they explode everywhere. They are fun to try and pick up though. x

  4. Chris my kids are 4 and 5 year olds so don't bother to put them in their mouths. I usually have lots of weird and wonderful things in my sensory tubs and they know what the go is.
