Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Attention Fellow Scavenger Hunters

Ok!  Let’s get this thing rolling along. Before each new month I will give you the topics that we will aim to capture.  By giving you advanced notice, you can be keeping your eyes open or thinking of great ideas that you would like to capture and share. 

Our sharing days will be on Saturdays or Sundays. My photos will go on Saturdays.

The dates and topics for September are…..

1st             The view from the kitchen window.
8th             In your garden today.
15th           What happened at 6 o’clock? (morning or night, your choice)
22nd          On the shelf   (any shelf, it doesn’t matter)
29th           A solitary tree

You may submit as many or as few photos in each category per week as you like.

I will put mine up first with a linky so you can add your link. This way we open our blogs to others who may not be regular visitors and will any luck this project might snowball with additional contributors.

Anyone else who would like to be involved please feel free to do so. The more the merrier. The object of this project is to bring people together while we explore our environments, blow the cobwebs from our cameras, and maybe try to be a bit daring in the way we use our cameras, or learn some new techniques (from each other, like selective colouring, for example). We are in this for fun and to share.

Hope you all will enjoy.

and my pic for today is Kanji.
This is Kanji, I got him when he was a kitten with his sister Asia, when my brother in law had them dumped near his house. Now Kanji was a lovable rogue and knew how to work the system. He had me conned into thinking he loved only me but he would disappear for up to 6 weeks and then one day would just turn up and snuggle his was back into the household, looking like he'd been living the good life. He would stick around for 3 months then take his leave again for awhile. This happened for about 3 years. It began to be the talk of the neighbourhood that the people in the house on the hill behind me had a black cat that would go missing. Now that's funny, I had a black cat that was often missing. Eventually the people from up the hill packed up and moved 2000km across the country to Western Australia and I never saw Kanji again. Enjoy WA my dear friend!


  1. Looking forward to the scavenger hunt. (good excuse to upload the photos that are already on my camera make way for some new ones.)

  2. I bet Kanji is missing his visits heaps. looking forward to this hunt have put the dates in my diary already

  3. Loved your story about Kanji - he certainly spread himself around... and to his advantage! Cheers :D)
