Saturday, 25 August 2012

Atomic Coffee Pot - 2 views

oops, you'd have thought I would have dusted them before I snapped!

Friday, 24 August 2012

The Wedding Gift

Dr Matthias Gaunt, who arrived in Van Diemen's Land with his family in 1831. Gaunt was granted 2 500 acres (1 000 hectares) of land on the East Tamar.
He chose not to practise medicine in the colony; instead he planted a vineyard and converted a sawmill to a flour mill. The mill was successful and its flour won a first place at the Great Exhibition in London in 1851. Gaunt's success as a miller prompted a visit from Governor Sir John Franklin in 1842, who suffered the indignity of being covered in flour let loose by two of Gaunt's sons from a loft above.
Gaunt is said to have promised his wife Eliza before leaving England that, if there were no church where they settled in the colony, he would build one and name it St Matthias. The result, completed in 1843, is the charming white stone church that overlooks the Tamar at Windermere. Gaunt's gravestone is prominent in the cemetery, along with those of other early East Tamar pioneers. For many years, parishioners living along the Tamar used boats to travel to services at St Matthias Church.
St Matthias is one of Australia's oldest continually used churches and currently is attached to the Parish of Holy Trinity Launceston under the Anglican Church. The Church was awarded the Launceston City Council's Heritage Award for a non-residential building in 2010 for works on the roof and bell tower restoration.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

King of the Bush Is He..

laugh Kookaburra laugh..   how gay your life must be!

These friendly birds live near my shack and they aren't scared of people at all. When I photographed the one on the sign, he just sat there for ages while I clicked away and chatted to him.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Penguin Church

I'm not the churchy type but I do like interesting buildings. This one is at Penguin, Tasmania.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Still Water

Still Water is the name of the restaurant at the silo (featured the other day) and as this picture was taken out the front of the restaurant. Very apt.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

I know Evi has finished her colour challenge but I am continuing this week with Silver. I didn't realise how much bling I had in the way of photos till I began to sort them out.
Thanks again Evi for giving us the opportunity to share. If anyone else would like to join up for a photographic scavenger hunt, feel free to read all about it above 
(click on tab) 



Saturday, 18 August 2012

A Case of Squishy Balls

For my kindergarten class I brought in 20 small packets of water crystals. Each ball was the size of half a matchhead and looked like hard plastic. I added 10 litres of water and within 12 hours, they had turned into these colourful, squishy balls, the size of marbles. They were impossible to keep your hands off. They felt, wonderful. Even my most resistant student to sensory experiences, couldn't resist. Very therapeutic!

Friday, 17 August 2012

Hi-lo Milo, I'll Meet Your By The Silo

This old silo has been turned into a restaurant and art gallery and its on the banks of the Tamar River at Launceston.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Attention Fellow Scavenger Hunters

Ok!  Let’s get this thing rolling along. Before each new month I will give you the topics that we will aim to capture.  By giving you advanced notice, you can be keeping your eyes open or thinking of great ideas that you would like to capture and share. 

Our sharing days will be on Saturdays or Sundays. My photos will go on Saturdays.

The dates and topics for September are…..

1st             The view from the kitchen window.
8th             In your garden today.
15th           What happened at 6 o’clock? (morning or night, your choice)
22nd          On the shelf   (any shelf, it doesn’t matter)
29th           A solitary tree

You may submit as many or as few photos in each category per week as you like.

I will put mine up first with a linky so you can add your link. This way we open our blogs to others who may not be regular visitors and will any luck this project might snowball with additional contributors.

Anyone else who would like to be involved please feel free to do so. The more the merrier. The object of this project is to bring people together while we explore our environments, blow the cobwebs from our cameras, and maybe try to be a bit daring in the way we use our cameras, or learn some new techniques (from each other, like selective colouring, for example). We are in this for fun and to share.

Hope you all will enjoy.

and my pic for today is Kanji.
This is Kanji, I got him when he was a kitten with his sister Asia, when my brother in law had them dumped near his house. Now Kanji was a lovable rogue and knew how to work the system. He had me conned into thinking he loved only me but he would disappear for up to 6 weeks and then one day would just turn up and snuggle his was back into the household, looking like he'd been living the good life. He would stick around for 3 months then take his leave again for awhile. This happened for about 3 years. It began to be the talk of the neighbourhood that the people in the house on the hill behind me had a black cat that would go missing. Now that's funny, I had a black cat that was often missing. Eventually the people from up the hill packed up and moved 2000km across the country to Western Australia and I never saw Kanji again. Enjoy WA my dear friend!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Sailing on the Tamar

Before I sold my yacht, "Better than Chocolate" I would enjoy getting out on the river. This day I got in the middle of the 3 peaks race. Oops! They were faster than me so got out of my way very quickly.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Whiter Shade of Pale

Joining in with Evi again for her colour challenge

Feel free to join me for a photographic scavenger hunt. Sign up by leaving me a comment telling me you want to join in and I will get back to you soon with your first challenge.

Iron Lace at Battery Point

A stranger's dog on Primrose Beach

Inside of the washing machine (I like patterns)

Flowers from my garden

Apex of the Batman Bridge

Lighthouse along the river at Low Head

gates at the old Mercury building, Hobart

Part of a sculpture at the Victorian Art Gallery

More patterns (in the bakery)

Lillypilly flowers


Inside a cottage at Port Arthur

Santa (in the off season)

Muscovies at City Park.