Tuesday 27 September 2011

Tickled Pink

I have had some of my photographs turn up in strange places like Google images and even had one turn up on a Russian blogsite, so I am now going to watermark them, hopefully to stop them being taken. I hope that doesn't distract you from the image too much. If you would like to give me your opinion, I would be most grateful.

I kind of cheat whenever I put flowers up because I can guarantee they will always look beautiful. Funny thing is, I am astounded at how many pink flowers I have in my garden. I am NOT a pink kinda girl but they don't look too bad here.        Well, this last one is an experiment: I was playing with pink straws and the sunlight. Interesting effect I think.


  1. Deb I'm not surprised that someone would steal your pics as they are so beautiful and professional. Hope the watermark works.

  2. It's the unfortunate part of blogging isn't it. If only people would ask!

    Great photos. I love the shape of the petals, on #4. Also, would never have guessed they were straws in your last pic - well done... it's amazing!

  3. That last pic looks like some sort of 60's light fitting! A really great shot, I think.
    You are very lucky to have so many flowers in your yard - I imagine it must look very beautiful at this time of the year!

  4. Yes Evie, It does, I hadnt thought of the sraws looking like that till you mentioned it.

    I always seen to have something flowering throughout the year. I planned my garden with that in mind, anyway.
